Never Be The same

by Chelsea R.   Aug 16, 2004

I don't understand
and I guess I never will
why are you doing this
I just want my best friend back!
The one I use to do everything with
and the one that I use to cry to
the one who knew what I was feeling
before I even said a word
she could sense that I was upset
and she knew when I was sad
she knew everything there was to know
but now I don't think I can trust her
I'm afraid she will tell her mom
like that time before
this worlds slammed a door
shut right in my face
I pretend everything is now okay
but I really don't feel that way
you do everything without me now
and I hate that its always with her
you go shopping when I wanted us to go together
you go to movies that I wanted us to see together
but its all without me
what happened to best friends forever
I guess thats all gone away
I look forward to a happier day
now your mom hates me
but its no doubt why
there wouldn't be a problem
if you hadn't told her all those things
things will never be the same
your mom won't let them
and I can't help but have you to blame
so just forget it now
I just don't understand how
there are so many things that I want to say
but I can't
I just want this to all go away
and go back to 7th grade


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