
by JO   Aug 19, 2004

This is my first poem. It is not really a poem.. i don\'t think it will rhyme but i need to write this.

Why? Why are you leaving?
I came here and met you
You are the truest friend i have ever had
We shared laughs and tears
I told you everything and you told me
i could talk to you about anything
you would always support me, help me
your smile was enough to pull me up when something bad happened
now you are leaving and all we had is gone
my best friend will not be here anymore
who will i talk to?
who will be there for me no matter what?
you said you will call but you will not come visit
i do not know what to do
You are leaving in 2 weeks and i feel i can not take it
I will try not to cry when i get my last hug

I just want you to know that i love you
That you are my best friend
and you will always be
i wish you a happy life and im sorry i am not going to be a part of it anymore
i love you and thank you for everything and please

do not forget me

to my best friend who is going away to college


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  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Im sori u had to loos a frnd....but gwd work....love dia mwaz xoxo

  • This is really sad and really well written..Im sry you had to lose a good friend..I understand what its like and Im really sorry...good luck...this is good work..keep writting!

  • 20 years ago

    by JO

    yea that's it.. she's gone this sucks!!!!!!!!! i hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  • 20 years ago

    by JO

    i'm leaving in like 5 minutes to go out with her and a few friends... i'm seeing her for the last time... i'm trying soo hard not to cry when i'm with her... but i can't help it.. i just hope i'll get over it easy... i'm so happy school is starting.. it'll get my mind off of it... but i'll still love her and be her best friend no matter what.. i told her that and she told me the same thing.. so yea.. i can't wait till next summer lol, thx for sharing my feelings, Liz and SamiJo :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Angel Sanctuary ©

    Thank you for your comment.. But hehe It hurts when someone you trusted and learned to love is leaving.. there is nothing you can do... My friend has been gone for a year now.. I still remember the fun we had together... And i always will... Letting go is hard.. But it is possible... Your true friend will always remain in your heart... So keep your head up.. Because you can say you had a friend that was everything to you... Well thank you for reading and commenting on my poem... Oh and that was a poem.. It doesn't have to rhymes to make it a poem.. You did very good.... Keep it up...