You can't make up your mind,
Mother fucer open your eyes stop being so blind.
You are ganna lose the best thing you ever had in your life and i don't mean that girl you might once call your wife.
Me your brother, every time i find someone who might make me happy you always seem to get right in the dam way, lay back bro stop this shit,
and you wounder why i don't hang out with you when i wanna hang with a girl, all you do is steel them from me shit thanks. Dam man if i ever did that to you, i swear you would never forgive me.
Ditch me agen kinda like you always do.
Where are you now o thats right in her room. Boom left me down here all alone. Wow and i thought you where a friend. Yea don't forget this time to take the knife out of my back and slit my dam throat