Comments : My Suicide Note. (Edited.)

  • 20 years ago

    by Marie

    Very well written out. There was alot of passion in that poem. One thing don't do is suicide. It's not worth it. As low as u may feel things will get better. These are just obstacles that u have in life and u got to get through them. I know it feels like the right thing to do but it's not. I lost a friend from suicide 2 years ago. It put so much pain on his friends and family. Live life to the fullest. And as of what every one else says screw them. They have nothing better to do then make someone feel like crap. Don't worry about what they think. It's not the end of the world. Your still young. I don't know sorry if this is long i just feel u in some areas 'cause kids are cruel now....I don't know but keep your head up.

  • 20 years ago

    by rachyBBY

    It was made me feel..well, sad..but it was good. I think I may know how you feel, but maybe not exactly..but anyway..I gave it a five, and you matter how hard life gets, don't turn to suicide. I know maybe a lot of people say that, but it's, yeah.

  • 20 years ago

    by *Elizabeth*

    WOW!!! I can tell you put a thought of time in this was soo sad yet so beautifully written!! I know how hard it is and how the urge of commiting sucicde can be so strong that nothing matters, I know this...BUT PLEASE DONT!!!!! Your such a talented writer, I check almost everyday to see if you have written something new!!!! please dont do it!!!! I wish you the best!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Bryce Ellner

    I was compelled to read it to the very end and it was outstanding. You've a very special gift, I can tell, and as such shouldn't be wasted. It may not matter much since you dont really know me, but don't do it. It would be a tragedy for the world to lose such a great mind such as yours.


  • 20 years ago

    by Rebekah

    Wow that was amazing work you sure have talent i gave u a 5!!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Kerri

    wow..i cant tell you put your whole heart into this one and i can see that you had a motive for writing it. pleaze dont take you life and though many people say that.....i tried so many times to do it and i was able to overcome it..i still cut but not like i used to. you have such talent and it would be a shame for it to go as well as you. ive read your latest poem...very moving as well. please take care. and be careful.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    That was a really good an well written know that something like this can only come from the heart and life experiences, noone can make something up like this off the top of their head without having these feelings and emotions theirselves. It truly touched home as I was 14 when i attempted my "first try" at committing suicide and the thought to try again comes to me everyday. Trust me these feelings are not something that can be talked away by a friend or by a "professional" keep up the good work you truly have a lot of talent unfortunately due to life experiences...Keep in touch if you like :)

  • 20 years ago

    by leyana

    omi this brought tears to my eyes...that doesn't happen...ppl can be real bi**ches and i noe cuz i've been where u've been but babe they're not worth ur life not in the least bit....nice work by the way....if u eva want to tlk 2 sumwun im here

    --leyana luts of luv---

  • 20 years ago

    by Lizzy

    WoW. ThAt Iz LiKe ReAlLy AwEsOme....YoU ArE ReaLLy GoOd At WrItIng, Keep Up The GoOd WoRk. TaKe CaRe....LIzzy

  • 20 years ago

    by Xx_DisasterPiece_xX

    i know how you feel..and ive planned and contemplaited and attemped suicide much as it seems like itz worth it, its not..because someone out there cares about you and you mean the world to them and they couldnt live without just think about that before you do anything stupid..**sorry if i seem like a therapist or something**

  • 20 years ago

    by bugsy88

    That poem was really good.Please dont kill yourself!!!! I know you probebly hear this all the time but i know how you feel!!! I have tryyed to kill myself so many times i cant even count anymore,But the thing about it is someone ar something always gets in my head and tells me they love me and need me.And even though everything still hurts so much im glad i couldnt go through with it,or that i didnt succed.Just like it seems poeple dont care about there are poeple that do.In fact i dont even know you but if you go on one of my poems and ask for my E-mail address i will give it to you so you can talk to me anytime you need to.Stay strong.Think of the good things in life.And as the Good Charlotte song says Hold on!!!

    xoxo Bugsy=]

  • 20 years ago

    by Emily-xO

    whoaa dude. awesome great job<3

  • 20 years ago

    by Kiersten Nicole

    *tear* wowo, that was powerful.... i hope all of the inspiring notes everyone has left you has convinced you to change your mind. You were put on this Earth for a reason, as everyone here was, maybe that reason, for you is writing, but when you think your alone, no one loves you, or when your afraid, just look to Jesus, he's always there to listen and help... :) i loved your poem it was great..

  • 20 years ago

    by tanya

    You did a very good job!! I know how u feel cause i actualy think about killing myself sometimes, think about leaving this world, cause i can't handle it, can't handle all these problems that are never ending, but i don't want to be known as week, taking the easy way out, life is a test, and we should prove it to everyone, that we can do it, we can make it in this world, you should leave this world when your happy, and you have lived your life and experienced many things. Theres to much to do still and experience in this life. Don't quit keep going!!!!!