Will I End Up Happy ???

by FireCracker   Aug 25, 2004

He meant so much
& with him was place I wanted to be
Plus I knew with him
I'd end up happy ..

Because He stopped the pain
I always had deep inside
And while he was here
No bad feelings did I have to hide

He changed me
In ways no one can get
And my feelings for him
Are no where gone yet

It wasn't the fact
He was older or his maturity
It was about how I felt
And how he felt for me

People say . .
"Don't Think He Really Did Care ?"
But If he didn't . .
Then Why was he there ?

My sad stage
With him was completely gone
And Now that he's not coming back
It's come back on

My sis doesn't understand
When I really need her to
I figured her of all people
Could help and tell me what to do

My family doesn't
know about Him; Or what I did
They still think I'm just some
sweet innocent kid

But I'm not
Im now differnt; I never tell a lie
Somehow I did with this
one guy

All I wanted
Was to all the time feel that good
And because of that
I did things, normally I never would

I did care for him
And with my heart I still do
When people say I dont
I come back and say " I DO TO !! "

I don't care
If people believe me or not
I mean who is anyone else
To tell me about these feelings I've got

People say he can't make me happy @ such a young age
If that's true then now that he's gone Why am I back in my UNhappy stage ?

Without him . .
I don't feel complete
And I thank God
For all those nights we'd meet

I miss him
And I miss it all
I sometimes still run to my phone
Wishing I saw him call

The reason . .
It's such a big deal
Is because he has changed
How I will forever feel

Now I'm UNhappy
And I don't know why
I knew from the start
It wouldn't work out with me and that guy

People look @ me
In a differnt way
And I really did care for him
I mean what do they want me to say !

I mean I knew he cared then
But I doubt he does now
Me and Him ended so fast
I sometimes ask myself " Just How ? "

I know I made him
Laugh and Smile
I know He cared for me
Even for that little while

I miss him so much
And how we used to be
I mean Im now starting to wonder
" Will I End Up Happy ? "


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  • 20 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Oh babes i know it hurts but i can promise you YOU WILL BE HAPPY AGAIN! It may take time but time heals all wounds! This was a great poem you really poured your heart and soul into this one and i felt you pain along with each line i read - great work britt!
    Eirisa xxoo

  • 20 years ago

    by Tamara Talcott

    this was an excellent poem and i know how you feel i wnt trough the same thing repetidly i like the way you neverused the word love for that is a word that shouldnt be played around with keep up ue awsome work