Care Or dont Care at all

by Nick 198   Aug 26, 2004

Can you feel the pain
I hide with in
Can you feel the tears
As they drop chagrin

You cant see whats inside
For there you never look
You cant see whats there
Because I'm not part of your book

Do you believe i can do well
For there you never cared
Do you see the smart kid i am
Because all you feel is despair

I will prove you wrong
No matter how hard i try
If it doesn't happen today
It will before i die

I will not life my life
A lie anymore
For i am myself
And not what you want me to be
Any more
So take your words
Swallow them whole
And hope they don't come back
For they will take your life
Human death toll

Care for me as i am
The boyfriend that i will always be
Don't look down on me
Just because i am not
What you always wanted me to be
See beyond my outside
To the boyfriend you used to love
Don't show me your back
Just show me some love


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