Messed up lil gurl

by >> Beautifully Mistaken   Aug 26, 2004

Love and Laughter,
is what surrounds me.
But only dissaproval and hate,
is what I see.
A line is what is dividing,
my happiness and reality.
Happiness comes from what others make you feel,
If they dont make you feel a thing,
sadness just comes instead.
In this messed up world we live in,
the only real thing is death..
To live it,
to breathe it,
to be surrounded by it,
to have it control your every move and every thought,
is just impossible for words to explain.
I am not good enough,
This world deserve's so much better,
I cannot provide happiness for others,
only sadness will come in hand.
All the slits,
and all those thoughts,
they are not to punish you for your sins,
but only to punish me for mine.
You say you dont understand,
but have u ever really tried to?
This life plays with our mind,
and makes us lose whats really in sight..


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