
by amber   Aug 27, 2004

I’m trying to stop
I’m trying to be great
It’s just too hard
That feeling I get
When I feel the blade
Running across my skin
The sensation that follows
It’s too great to explain

Know one understands
All the pain I am in
When I am left home alone
Expected to be good
The habit eats at my insides
And before I know it I have the knife
I get the thrill
And that wonderful chill

I’m trying to stop
I really know I need help
I can’t fight this battle on my own
I just love the feeling I get
When I’m leaning over the toilet
Hands down my throat
Sometimes it’s 2 fingers maybe 4
But with the reward I receive
I really don’t care

Know one can feel
All the pain I am in
No matter how much I explain
I just hurt more
I just eat and eat
Then throw it all up
One time I fainted
And nobody was home
Thank god I woke up
Before my mom got home!

I’m trying to stop
I didn’t mean to get hooked
I just love how I feel
When I take just one hit
I feel so alive
Like never before
And when I keep on going
The feeling gets so much better
It’s nicer alone
But I don’t care if there’s a friend
As long as I have money
For that high to last as long as it can

There’s no way to explain that
When I’m sitting in jail
I got caught high
I didn’t realize that the guy
Was really a cop
I just needed some pot
And I need it now
I can’t stop shaking
And I keep throwing up
But now my life’s controlled
Cause I screwed it all up.

Next time you think you have it bad
Think about other people
Some people have it really awful
But there’s always someone who loves you
No matter what
So hang in there!


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