As I walked down the halls,
You all thought the same,
I was the one without fear,
I was the innocent one,
All along you did not see,
The pains and fears,
I held so deep down in me,
You know its true,
You all thought the same,
I was the one to be 'cute',
I laughed with your jokes,
When all along I hurt so,
You couldn’t see the inside,
You just thought I was real,
This act was fine for a time,
By slowly it has degraded,
With your arms wrapped around me,
I still couldn't feel warm,
It hurt so to find this out,
My heart was broken within,
While without it shone brightly,
You couldn’t see it all,
And I don't blame you,
You know it’s not your fault,
I just didn’t want to show it,
Know it now,
I only did it all for myself,
As you walked in,
You found how truly innocent I was,
The walls splattered,
The cuts were deep,
You know I didn't want help,
But still you gave me it,
You torment me,
Your innocent friend,
Don’t you love me?
Why not let me pass you by,
Let me go on my way,
The innocent one is not so,
Inside I am not all the same as out,
Just don't take me for face value any more.