Comments : High School Girls Suicide.

  • 20 years ago

    by Joy

    this is really good! i know how it feels to be laughed at and stuff! thanks for writing the poem!

  • 20 years ago

    by Jamie

    Wow...that was a reallly deep and morbid poems but the message was extremely clear and should be heard everywhere. Keep writitng you gotn great talent. I woudl love if you could read some of my poems as well. Please keep sending these messages to all other members...your words should be heard. Luv Jamie

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Val

    Wow...excellent, I felt as though I was there.
    That is the best kind of poem.
    You provided the message very well!! Great use of words! KEEP IT UP!!

  • 20 years ago

    by JS

    wow. an amazing poem. i sorta know what your poem is talking about. you really get the readers intrested. keep up the great work

  • 20 years ago

    by Jacki

    Holy shit what can I say. This was the best poem that i've read in along time. It kept my attention threw the whole thing. Never once did i stop and start to drift away. I couldn't beilve the ending it was amazing. I've read many poems like this but none with this i don't even know what to call it. It just practicully made me want to cry. I loved it.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kerri

    wow...i cant even describe what i felt after reading your poem. you see...i am one of those kids who are so looked down on that it kills me inside and i kill myself outside. amazing writing and please....this writing is so powewrful i cant even say words to describe it. keep it up! <333

  • 20 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    WOW..touching poem. I could really feel and picture what was going on. The commotion when she tried it first. And the ending, so sudden. The last line was very powerful.
    Only one thing i think you have a typo. In the second stanza "Their flawless, you have do admit." I think you meant "you have to admit" or something like that.
    Moving poem keep up the brilliant work.

  • 20 years ago

    by *Elizabeth*

    OMG marta!!! this was soo well written!!!! a very good job!! AMAZING!!! WOW!! this poem is soo powerful...I LOVED how you wrote it!!!! Keep it up!!! I can't wait for you to write more!!! I always look forward to your poetry!!! wow this poem..just WOW!!!
    much love

  • 20 years ago

    by Victoria

    Omg...AMAZING poem! I truly enjoyed it, it's like I couldn't stop reading it and I wanted to keep going...:) I feel like that alot...and it sucks, knowing what people can do to hurt others is painful. I love reading your poetry! Do write more.

  • 20 years ago

    by kelsey

    morbid..that's how i'd hafta describe this poem..its like..alot of people could relate to it too..i dont know of very many people who go through with it..but i know people, including myself, who have attempted it..and only wanted to be heard..i admire your words..the way you expressed it..that takes talent..and obviously you have alot of it..i know waht it's like to feel like you're alone and cold in the world..and woo woo..and i know it's not a good keep your head up..and keep writen:D yours, kelsey

  • 20 years ago

    by kRyStA_+

    OMG.. that poem was strong and deep. I know how it feels to be laughed at and picked on. They seem perfect dont they? Welp i think ur an excellent writer keep it up. i want to read more of ur fantastic poems.

  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    holy flying prairie dogs...that was amazing!!! your such a beauiful poetess!! amazing talent i swear...that poem was wxquiste your rhymes were beautifull...magnificent work..i could feel the emotion, and picture the scences in my head...i know how the girl felt about the name calling...please keep writing <333

  • 20 years ago

    by SaFtYpInS

    WoaWh....that was one of the best poemes that I read...WoW....It just...All went to great together...I think your really talented...Dont give up! it was REALLY good:)

  • 20 years ago

    by SaFtYpInS

    WoaWh....that was one of the best poemes that I read...WoW....It just...All went to great together...I think your really talented...Dont give up! it was REALLY good:)

  • 20 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    that was amazing. I know how it feel to be in that situation except I would never do anything that drastic.. thanx for posting this excelent poem.. I would give u a 10 if i could but its gonna have to be a 5 instead. you deserved it... can you read my poem.. "Bloody Tears" and tell me what you think about it

  • 20 years ago

    by Kailynn Makenna

    This is another aweoms poem! you have extreme talent!!!!


  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    damn!! that was really good!! no lying, there was not one words that i ddint know how you felt!! it was sad and powerful..full of lots of emotion!! keep up the good work!! :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Hidden Meaning

    omg . . that was brill . . . i know the feeling i spend half my life in the bathroom hiding . . . well done you are amazing girl . . . i have a poem miss popular about them and their perfect world if you want take a look at it . . . i havent read such a deep poem in a long time reminds me of soo much 5/5 you well deserve it x x x take care x x x

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    that poem is amazing great emotion and very deep i really like this part

    I'm fed up with their repulsive jokes
    Can't they see I'm already sick of it
    Don't they see what's going on?
    Their flawless, you have to admit.

    cuz ppl dont see that what they say and do hurt ppl. people jus think that if i say this only thing that will happen is people will laugh, they dont think about how they are tearing down the other person. i for one am guilty of saying things about others and everything. but i also recieve it too. im not using that as an excuse to say the things but everyone does it but few know how it really feels awesome poem keep writing.

  • 20 years ago

    by *Sherrie*

    great poem ... i was thinking maybe this part could be changed a lil...I hate everyone around me
    Myself, especially the least. least should be most maybe...its up to you...xox Sherrie