Look into my eyes

by Jennifer   Aug 30, 2004

If you look into my eyes
you never would have guessed
all the pain inside
will never go to rest
the devil is the maker
of this pain i have inside
how pathetic it must be
to go through life in pain
to go to bed each night
not wanting to wake to c another day
depression isn't something funny
it isn't a game we play
it is a disease that lingers
in our hearts
and out minds
look deep into my eyes
and maybe you will see
the devils ghost behind my eyes
that take this control over me
please do not get lost in then
for he may take you to


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  • 20 years ago

    by N8

    whoa another great poem by this jen chick do u mind me callin u jen? hope not k but yea great job I gave it a 5 k
    love ya