You walked out of my life with out looking back
And the first few days, I must admit weren\'t easy
Cuz you were all that I knew back then
So I felt like I stopped breathing
But guess what, I've broken out of my shell
And I've started living again
Cuz I realized life goes on
Ad some things come to an end
With or without you Ima have to move on
Give love another try
Maybe this time I'll get lucky
And find the perfect guy
Our relationship was based on lies
Deception and misleadings
You cheating, me pleading
Your heart cold, mine bleeding
But as you can see, I'm ok
It still kept on beating
I thought that with out you my life would be over
I thought that with out you my world would collapse
My life has continued, my world is back up
And I've realized that some things just don't last.