Dressing blues (a poem from the seventh grade)

by TrUtH hUrTs   Sep 1, 2004

It was the month of the august
When Megan walked in,
Looking rather perplexed and stroking her chin
“There’s this really cool party “, she said
“So should I wear jeans, or a skirt instead?”
“Gee I don’t know” I replied
She looked worried but I just smiled
Now there’s only one week left for the party
But she still doesn’t know, trendy? Junky? Or arty?
“I dunno,”I replied,
She cried out, but I just smiled.
She started running here and there,
Jumped up and down and pulled her hair
Spaghettis? Cargos? Wraparounds?
Earrings-diamond? Square or round?
She asked and asked and cried and sighed.
But I, sarcastically rolled my eyes.
Now there’s only one day left
Oh please tell me which shirt’s the best?
Silver sparkle and hair straightner,
God Megan can’t u leave that for later?
So after running here and there
(And a thousand phone calls, hard to bear);
I have just one question of my own…
Dearest Megan please don’t stare..
But what in the world am I gonna wear?;)


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  • 20 years ago

    by Emilia

    =) Nice poem.. I liked this one a lot!
    5/5 for you.. Please check out my new poem "My Dad: Dead And Gone Forever" I would mean a lot! Take Care.. hugs

  • 20 years ago

    by Idiosyncratic


  • 20 years ago

    by Luvmeluvr

    That is so cute!!! I can see you have had this gift of writing for a long time.

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    hehe, cute poem!

  • 20 years ago

    by nikki

    lol awesome job. your now officially on my faves list :) i love all your stuff, great work.