Only For a Little While

by Aline   Sep 4, 2004

The day is almost here
soon he will be gone
helping to fight
the war in Iraq
God don't let him die
keep him safe
bring him home
surround him and his unit
with protection
two years is a long time
can't we keep him
here at home
even if
it's only for
a little while longer
don't tell them
they have to wait
only for a little while
for his return
I'm sure every second
will feel like a minute
every minute like an hour
every hour like a day
every day like a week
every week a month
every month a year
and every year like a life time
till he comes home again
and they can hold each other
in the sweetest embrace
the embrace of life, love and victory
the victory will come
only when he returns home safely
nerves fray inside me
tears threaten to spill
from my eyes like blood
from an open wound
and he is only a friend to me
I can hardly envision
the way she feels
knowing the dangers
of the life he has been
called to live
despite all the fears
something tells me
that everything will be fine
and he will come home
with no lasting damages
to his physical being
or emotional state
but I also know there is
no guarantee of that
things will be different,
times will be hard
and it my hope
and my fervent prayer
that this is
only for a little while


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