Walking away and never ever looking back
The past shall forever more remain behind me
I will never again hold you, never again kiss you
But I'd be lying if I said I'd never again need you.
I miss you, but that is no fault of yours
Only I am to blame, and I will face all the hurt
Without crying a single tear...
On the outside.
Walking away and never ever looking back
Leaving behind my true love, my true life
My reason for breathing, my reason for staying
And my reason for turning away from this all.
I lost you, somewhere in between the guilt
And the pain we always pretended not to feel
Not knowing we would fall...
And we would break.
Walking away and never ever looking back
Not because I want too, but because I need too
Walking away from all I thought was mine
Walking away from all I know I just can't have
I love you, but that just isn't enough sometimes
But I will say it once more before I turn around
Take one deep breath...
And walk away.