Knock Knock

by Kevin J   Sep 6, 2004

Knock Knock..
Who's there?..
It's me megan!

I see that you've been hurt again
The wicked game that love has played
Might sting but in no-time will fade
Cascade into a million tears
Of pain and lose, regrets and fears
And through it all ...I'll be right here

Knock Knock..
Who's there?..
It's, me again!

I knew you needed time to mend
But every visit made me ask
"Why is it love, is such a task?"
I wonder if you ever thought
Of me and all the love I brought
I heart you caught

Knock knock..
Who's there?..
It's me again!

I know you need more time to mend
You walked away not long ago
And said you needed time to grow
And feel the way I felt for you
But now I see that wasn't true
you left, your back, and still no clue

Knock knock..
Who's there?..
It's me again!

I thought by now your wounds to mend
I've shown my love and gave you time
I listened silent like a mime
Spoke when asked and never pried
Gave my chest to lean and cry
Now all I ask myself is Why?

Knock Knock..
Who's there?..
Oh, you again!

I gave you time enough to mend
My heart has died since last you knocked
I felt rejected, broken, mocked
The game you played, it killed me slow
I'll love you always but you should know
Times up!, your love for me wont grow

Knock Knock..
Not here!!..
I let you go..

*I played the comforter once or twice...not a good thing to be:p*


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by I Will Always love you

    That is a sad poem i hope that in real life such a thing didn't really accure because true love will always find a way great poem

  • 20 years ago

    by in the realm of Chaos

    i love it!! very creative and original. keep up the good work.

    learn of me, live through me, love only me: INNA

  • 20 years ago

    by Mephastophilis

    I really loved this. its really unique. intresting and soo sad. an unexpected ending. i like the style of your poems, the flow and rythm is always so well thought out. xmollyxx

  • 20 years ago

    by David

    I was going to comment, but Chris Georgiou is a hard act to follow.

    I will say this though.. I'm going to steal this poem structure/style one day. hehe
    Loved it

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin J

    Thanx you everybody..I reeeeeeeally appreciate all the comments..thank U so much:)