Fifteen and Pregnant

by Andrea   Sep 7, 2004

When I saw you
I thought you wanted my love
But really it was my faith and trust
And what made me like none above

You stole the one thing away
That separated me from the others
And made it yours
As I now hide myself beneath the covers

I thought it was love
Every time I looked into your eyes
I thought it was destiny
But it was all just a bunch of lies

I said I wasn't ready
When you wanted more from me
So you said you respected my decision
And wouldn't dare deceive

You took me to that party
You said it would be loads of fun
I wanted to stay
But you said let's go upstairs, hun

I didn't know what to do
When I saw you lock that door
All I did was yell no
And in an instant I was on the floor

My head hurt so much
I don't know how many times I yelled no
But you still held me down
And each time I received a blow

I cried and cried
And you yelled for me to stop the fight
You abandoned me in that room
And drove away that awful night

But for me I could never forget it
When you took me to my end
While the party was downstairs
I begged to stay with my friends

Only you looked so sad
So I followed you into that room
And part of me never left
Oh God, I wish I could forget you

But now I surely can't
Since the memory of you
Is now growing inside me
What am I supposed to do?

I used to have you
Until you deserted me
I used to have my parents
Until they kicked me out

My friends cannot even talk to me
And I'm losing my control
I am may be lost but I will soon be found.
As soon I as I am again whole

I will get through this
And all of you will see
How I've risen up
And be who I was meant to be

But right at this moment
I am not a dove
I can't fly away from my mistakes
All I have is my baby boy that I surely won?t get rid of.


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  • 20 years ago

    by CW

    hey look you are very pretty and i would hate to see someone like you to ruin your life iver something stupid so be strong hang in there and iff ya ever need anyting just aim me sexycute1209 or email me at

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    awww! very good job! =)

  • 20 years ago

    by chris johnson

    i hope this isnt about you, i hope its about a friend, but i like it

  • 20 years ago

    by joe

    she is honorable for keeping that boy...may God bless her...and yes a great poem

  • 20 years ago

    by xxurbanxlaydeexx

    this poems really good n seeing it through the eyes of someone else is really a hard thing to do but uve expressd it well. ive read a few of ur poems since u comented on mine n theyre realy good well dun! gud luk 4 tha future xXx