I would promise you forever, but forever isn't very long.

by Sammie   Sep 7, 2004

I could promise you forever.

But that wouldn't be right, forever
isn't long enough to say how long
my love for you shall stay.

You are my heart, you are my
reason for all that I do.

When I wake up my day starts
with the thought of just you.

I wish I could put into words just
what you make me feel, when you
smile for me like you do with no
one else.

Somehow if I could put this love
into words it would take a
thousand life times to cover it all.

My love for you runs so deep it
even surpasses me.

My love for you is true, I know, I've
never felt so in love.

I could promise you that we will
be together forever but that would
be a lie.

Because the way I see it forever
just isn't long enough.

Even through death I will still love
you, I will wait up on high until you
come to me again, our love still
so true.

You are my soul mate, my
everything, my reason for
breathing, my dreams come true.

You are my everything, my one
wish come true.

So if your love for me ever does
fade, just remember these words
I write.

I will love you beyond forever, no matter what the cost.

Because truly all that is loved is
never completely lost.

I will love you beyond forever, without a single regret.

I could promise you eternity, yes.

But the way I see it, that's just not
long enough.

To Christina,My one love in life,I love you.



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