You're gone now, but the promise still remains.

by Sammie   Sep 9, 2004

I don't know why I still cry.

Can't understand why I still let
you hold my heart in your hands.

I always thought we'd be
bestfriends forever.

That's what we always said, whenever we were together.

You would tell me your problems
and I would give you advice that
was just how it worked.

It seemed so perfect, that I
thought it could never cease.

Thought you were invincible never
to become deceased.

I know it's my fault, for falling
in love, with someone so perfect in
so many ways.

I always knew you had your
problems, just as painful as my

You came into my life when I
was down.

We became best friends, and with
it we made a vow, never to let go
of life no matter how hard it got.

Like a fool I thought that was one promise you would keep, or die trying.

Like a fool I thought I'd always
have you around.

But I guess I was wrong.

Because my best friend is gone, forever and never coming back.

Everyone tells me, Sam it will
make you stronger in the end, they all tell me it was for the

You were one who showed me how
to love again.

When I hadn't felt any emotion but pain since I couldn't remember when.

Taught me to smile, and actually mean it with my whole heart.

The one who taught me how to
trust after so long.

But now what I thought was the
impossible has come to be.

You're no longer here, no longer assuring me.

The worst has come and now it has been done.

The night you took a knife over everything else, was the night I lost the one who mattered most.

You gave up, on everything you
worked so hard for in the end.

But even though you're gone,
with my shattered heart, and a forever broken promise.

You promise me forever, and so I believed, why did you have to lie?

Why, did you have to leave without me?

I wonder was it something I did, or something I said, to make you want to wish you were dead.

But I know of the answer but still questions plague my mind, as to why you left our forever behind.

But no matter what, one thing will never change.

We will always and forever be
best friends.



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  • 19 years ago

    by SuicideQueen

    Awww such a beautiful poem , i woun'y want to imagine what it woul dbe like to lose my friends, every one of them , they are special to us but now she's in heaven looking down on you and making sure you dont come to hamr
    Take Care
    KT xx