I love the rain that pour down on me
When I cry no one notices
Why am I crying you ask?
Today was my anniversary of my sorrow
Today was the day I cried about you
Last year on this day
Those tears that I cried are on there way
I loved you a lot and so much more
I hope I'm stronger than before
I love the rain because it reminds me that I can overcome anything
I don't know why I don't know how
I think this time I can be more brave now
So all those watery eyes that come from you will disappear
I'll soon thank God that I'm here
To share this story with no tears
I'm not going to be dancing by myself
I'll learn to stay strong
I'll learn to hold on
So I'm not going to kill myself and die
Because death took your life doesn't mean he has to take my life
I'll breath for once and put down that knife
I'm going to kiss those tears and frowns goodbye
And hope the whole way I get through this life that I'm meant to live without you
I'm going to be brave and go back home
To unlock door that I once feared
Its time to go and forget the sorrow