Does he still love me?

by Beverly Chapman   Sep 10, 2004

He doesn't talk to me
He doesn't say a word
His touch
Is so unsure
He used to greet me
With a kiss
His gentle touch
I long for and miss
Is this the end
I am not sure
He doesn't speak
A single word
He doesn't look
At me that way
We don't enjoy
The games we used to play
I long to have
His tender embrace
I long to see
That gentle face
I miss his warm
And gentle smile
It brightened my day
But I haven't seen it in a while
The tears are silent
They do not fall
I feel backed
Against a wall
He won't speak
He turns away
He told me he'd never leave me
Has that promise gone away
He just turns away
Or closes his eyes
Is he secretly trying to tell me
Good Bye?


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