Why did you do this

by Kristina   Sep 11, 2004

Why did you leave me
when you said you'd always be there
why did you never talk to me
although you said you'd always care

i sit here now wondering why
you left me here and now all i can do is cry
your such a different person
than you ever were before

i keep on dreaming ill see you again
but that dream always fades away in to reality once and for all
i know ill always love you but you could care less
just sometime i wish you could just pick up the phone and call

don't you ever wonder what happened to me
if I'm all rite and safe as can be
how do you know if you still love me
don't you wish that we could be

this distance is what tore us apart
and the memory is all i have to part
so maybe once again i will see you
and you'll look at me and ill know thats the Que.
look i wrote this b/c just recently i saw my ex again and we fell in love again and then i had to come back to Cali because he lives in ct and i was SO heart broken b/c he didn't want to be together and i think he was just using me so this is one way i could really get my feelings out!! please comment I'm new to this so sorry if you hated it!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifullyBroken

    This is a nice poem i like it. i started writing poems to more when me and my boyfriend broke up...but yeah keep it up =D

  • 19 years ago

    by *Guerita*

    this is really nice sraight from the heart and just remember there is always a why to things but dont let it affect u

  • 20 years ago

    by Keanna Hopkins

    Great job!
    Luv keanna

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