Comments : America

  • 20 years ago

    by Edina

    hehe, I love this poem! it is so true, and i live in America too but i wasn;t born here and i relate 100% to your poem.... you have great talent.. keep it up!!
    love always,

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    I think your poem is well-written, but I also find it sadly hopeless and somewhat untrue. You have outlined the bad in America, while so many are proud to be Americans. I don't know if you watched when those plains crashed into the towers, but did you see all the people running into the building to risk their lives for fellow americans. And did you see the way our nation reacted? Love and support was everywehre. Did you see so much love and support in any other country after bombings or terrorists attcks? I am not say that we are superior in any way, but I am saying Americe is a place of opprotunity. I personally have been to Tijuana multiple times in order to build houses for the poor, have you seen what their government has done there? ANd have you also seen all the American help coming through along with the partyers coming for a weekend that you may have a tendancy to focus on. No offense, but perhaps you should go live there is you find america so unbearable. And while we have our problems, we have so much good that I think you may be taking for granted. Please take a look at your lifestyle then compare it to those in other countries such as Mexico, Iraq, China, Africa, and multiple places around the world. Did you have the opprotunity to attned college or eve highschool? DO you have food and clothes, and I'm guessing you have a computer? That is what being born into your country has given you. I think you could afford a little respect, and maybe even a little pride.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    Sorry there were a lot of typos in that but I was in a hurry

  • 20 years ago

    by Ami

    I understand your point, but let me point out that I am not an American by any means. I was born in my homeland and forced to move to the USA with my family at a young age to avoid bankruptcy. While I really do appreciate not living on the streets, I have also come to realize that there is so much that money cannot buy.

    I'm glad for you, as you obviously are proud to be a citizen of America, but at least you know what being an American is. I have no idea what it means to have a cultural identity anymore. I don't know what it means to be a member of the country on my passport, and living in this imperialistic nation, I was never encouraged to learn. Now, it's too late. So enjoy your country, but realize that thanks to it, not everyone has one to call their own.

    I have many material luxuries, this is true, but if I could regain what I have lost during my stay here, I would glady live without them just so that I could be true to what I must have had at one point.

    Also, I am incredibaly unhappy with the influence America has around the world. I might be sympathetic or afford a little respect if I thought that the favour would be returned, but I've been here long enough to know that that will happen only in my dreams.

    Please don't speak untill you have walked in someone elses shoesl otherwise, how can you know what it's really like? This is turning out to be longer than I expected, so I'll end by saying that this is not meant to bash you personally in any way, but I think you could afford a little respect, and maybe even a little sensitivity.

  • 20 years ago

    by hayley mcnamee

    well i have send this in most all my comments concerning america bashing.... but if you lived in a country where your government killed its people on a dailey basis wouldnt you want the super power of the world to come and save you? i am NOT saying we are the perfect country because god knows we're pretty bad... but if we are so bad then why do people dream of coming here, and even through all the bad stuff we have done the good definantly out ways it in my opinion... we are the land of the free and home of the brave, i dont know how you can say thats not true because we have millions of people who are willing to give their lives for the freedom that we claim. that is pretty brave if you ask me

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    I agree, I love your poems but I do, however, think they are very harsh. I don't know your whole story, I would like to but that is up to you to share, but maybe you could lighten up. Was it that bad in America? Maybe you are just made because you had to move, no matter where it be you would be angry. America is not the kindest place in the world but it sure isn't that bad. We do have flaws, lots, but what country doesn't? Why do you show so much anger towards the US of A?

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    Ok sorry it took me so long to get back, sorry, I did think you were American I didn't read closely enough. But I am not really American either, Puerto Rican all he way baby, and I love that. But I have lived here ever since I can remember and I love it too. I have loads of friends living in Tijuana. One of them grew up as one of the richest families down there. But the government kidnapped her father 3 times and threatened to kill him as a traitor if they did not pay them, in the end they were forced to seel everything they owned to pay the debts to get thir father back. This persecutiong came because of the Mexican governments greed, they were compelled in a way that would never be allowed to happen in the country that I gladly call my own, America. I am sensitive to your situation. I am also sorry if some Americans have somehow stolen you cultural identity from you. But in my opinion a cultural identity is something of your own, it's not something someone can "steal" from you as you so graciously put it. I am also sorry if I offended you, but also being foreign myself and knowing exactly what it is like to come from one culture to a completely different one, I believe that I do not need to "put myself in someone elses' shoes" I have my own thanks, American shoes, with puerto rican laces. Not all Americans are heartless, unknowledgeable jacksasses who have no experience and no idea what they're talking about thanks. I think that you might want to look through someone elses' eyes for a change. I am not trying to say America is perfect, but what country is. I'd have to say I would rather live here than in Iraq, wouldn't you. I personally would have preferred not to get my head blown off just because the dictator's son is angry and out on a rampage killing everyone he sees. Hmm but maybe I'm just an egotistical American, why are you even reading this since we are all greedy bastards and have no idea what we are talking about, does my opinion even matter to you because it comes with a tinge of red, white, and blue. ARe you going to cast it off because it comes from the lips of someone who is proud, not ashamed or hateful, to a country that offers them freedom.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    One more thing, then who among us can speak? Have you walked in my shoes? Can any of us really share anothers life long enough to see what they have seen? He who has ot sinned can cast the first stone right? If I cann't throw one, can you?