Just some of my free-verse non-rhyming crap...vote and comment, please.
She looks down at her reflection in the rain puddle and she sees a black river of tears steadily flowing down her cheeks.
She wishes that things could change, but he says he can't; it's impossible.
She wants so badly for her to be able to trust him, but she is afraid.
Afraid of getting hurt again.
She tells him that it is like a broken arm; after all is hurt, there is a certain amount of time that a cast must be worn to protect the arm from further pain.
She puts up a wall, a cast, to protect her wounded heart.
He cannot comprehend the concept of a broken and unwilling heart.
She wishes he could be more understanding and just wait for her heart to heal,
but only trust can mend this broken heart..nothing else...
and trust comes in time, which is not something he has...