Pieces of me

by Mild insomnia   Sep 15, 2004

So many things,
That you didn't know,
What would, you think?
If they were on show?
Would it, change me?
Would it, change you?
If you were to see,
All I hide from you?
What would you do?

Picking up, the broken,
Pieces, of me,
All my traits, abandoned,
Can't let you see.
I just can't risk loosing you,
So I'm breaking my soul into two.

I swear, it don't hurt,
As long as I'm still with you,
But how, can this work?
When I'm not telling the truth?
And I hate, to lie,
Especially to you,
But it's my life,
I just wanna be with you,
What can I do?

If only, you could see,
The pieces, of me,
Every flaw, entirely,
How different, would things be?
I just can't risk loosing you,
So I'm breaking my soul into two.

The empty hole, where I used to live,
It is now whole, you stand in it, (pieces of me)
The wound is healing, thanks to your hand,
It stops the bleeding, saving me and...

It's ok, don't need,
Every piece, of me,
I can live, you'll see,
I'm as whole, as can be.
I just can't risk loosing you,
So I'm breaking my soul into two.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    Wow another great one. Have you ever considered turning your poetry into a song? Because when I read over a lot of your poems I get the idea that they would go perfectly with the right tune.... =)


  • 20 years ago

    by chris oldfield

    is the poem about you ?
    cool poem anyway