
by kelsey   Sep 18, 2004

Deep down I know you're right
Although it hurts to agree
I cant help but hold it all back
So you wont think any worse of me

Ive made mistakes in the past
But you dont understand
Ive been through so much stuff that its sick
Sometimes I just wanna hold someones hand

I need someone to be there for me
Without jumping to conclusions and fussing
I want a normal conversation
Without all the hatred and cussing

I may strike you as a *itch
Or whatever else you see in me
But I wish you could realize
The person I can really be

You used to think highly of me
And it made me feel better about myself
But now you say things that hurt
Even though you say you're trying to help

All I'm trying to say
Is please dont judge me
I know I'm not perfect
But I dont wanna be

Take me for who I am
Or we can forget about each other
I hope that you'll accept me
Cause I love you like no other

You're always there for me
In my times of need
I know I screwed up with you
Forgiveness is all I plead

If you dont wanna talk to me anymore
I swear I wont be mad
And I swear I realize
How good of I friend I had

I dont know how to finish
I have so much to say
It'd be so easy for me
Any other day

I know I did you wrong tonight
I really care for you
I hope someday Ill be able to be
The person you want me to

I hope this is goodnight
And not goodbye
If we never talk again
I think I understand why.................


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