A Great Story ~9/11 Poem*

by Broken Tears   Sep 19, 2004

Its seems not long ago
Since the twins fell
But what a great story
That day has to tell

Planes and terrorists
Death and tears
And to think
It's only been three years

It seems like just yesterday
The twins fell
I can remember it
So very well

I remember people running
I remember them crying
I remember peole praying
I remember them dying

So many died that day
So many tears were shed
Because of the great number
Of innocent people dead

But through all the heartache
And all that went wrong
Our wonderful nation
Suddenly became strong

We dried up all our tears
We mended all our heartache
We had families to take care of
We had our lives to remake

So life went on
And it's been three years
We are all back to normal
We've gotten rid of our fears

But we haven't forgotten
About when the twins fell
Because that day
Has a great story to tell


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  • 19 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey nice poem Ben stinks! ANYWAY, lol um, hey check ou tmy poems and tell me what you think....kk? bye

  • 19 years ago

    by mayme

    Nice poem...That Ben really arr-can't find the words-don't want to be kicked out the site..I am so angry i am shaking-he dissed our country in a 9/11 poem--that is the worst thing a person can do!
    I have a poem like this sort of called "the eye of a child" can you read it and tell me what you think?

  • 20 years ago

    by Ben

    Good poem, but i personally don't like the presedent very much, which makes me not like the country much either, but what can ya do, ne way, nice poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by nikki

    brilliant job. i have tried many times to express the emotion of that day in poems, and am yet to find one of mine acceptable to pay tribute to that horrible day. you did a wonderful job of expressing it. excellent work. just one thing, you may want to edit the word `people` i'm not sure where it is in the poem but it is spelt `peole` or something to that affect, once you fix that up it will be absolutely beautiful.