Too blind to see

by Chelsea R.   Sep 20, 2004

I can't help but ask
Whats it gonna take
to get over you
I keep on making the same mistake

I fall to hard
I fall to fast
why can't I make
what we have last

boyz tell lies
just to get you in bed
why did I believe
all those things you said

you broke my heart
and I was used
I fell so hard for you
my trust you abused

you don't understand
that I love you
it hurts because you don't feel the same
what you made me feel was so new

maybe if I had been smarter
and maybe if I didn't believe
you wouldn't have hurt me
and I wouldn't be sad to see you leave

but I was dumb
and I did fall for your lies
you did hurt me
it was my fault I realize

how could I have not known
you never loved me
I was just your second choice
but I was too blind to see


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