
by Rebekah   Sep 25, 2004

I'm here in my wedding dress,
The best day of my life,
Suppose to be getting married,
And becoming your new wife.

But I just got that phone call,
The one that we all dread,
Hello is that Miss R Caine,
Sorry your boyfriends dead.

I'm sitting in my wedding dress,
The tears I can't control,
My body is in total shock,
So drained has become my soul.

I can't go on not on my own,
I want to be with you,
As I put the pills into my mouth,
My decision is to be with you.

As I lay upon my bed,
My eyes I tightly close,
Waiting to be reunited,
With the one I gladly chose.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Rebekah

    Thank you for all your comments

  • 19 years ago

    by afrodite

    This poem is so personal , im surprised you posted it , but it is amazing and i nearly started crying reading it, its so sad, you got talent!

  • 19 years ago

    by angela s

    I've been reading your poems they all are very good .I like this one even thugh it is very sad you put the words together well.Great job

  • 20 years ago

    by Shadows Collide

    thats a great poem. Poems with references to personal experiences always mean so much more.

  • 20 years ago

    by Libby M

    This is a very sad write-and I hope this isn't a true story. Because it is hard to lose someone you truly love and suppose to marry. Keep Writing! God Bless.
