
by chris   Sep 26, 2004

As i lye here writing this
i never knew how I'd feel
you broke my heart with a kiss
was this kiss for real

a kiss of goodbye
which made me cry
as the tears roll down my face
where am i and whats this place

its dark and cold
without you to hold
a warm and tender place
is what i get when i see your face

my love for you is strong
but only you said it was wrong
you left me there crying
and i could only think of dying

you didn't speak when you walked away
i guess now I'll start to pray
maybe one day you will understand
what we had was grand

but you left me without a clue
what am i left to do ?


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  • Hey Chris whats up? well I read " Do you really love me" and this one and I really liked them I could actually relate to them!! But n-eways Im gonna keep on reading your poems and Ill comment every once in awhile. will you do me a favor will you read a few of mine and comment. I recommend that top 6 or 7 well ttyl keep it up. Love you work well bye


  • 20 years ago

    by shenoa

    aww that was so sad.. my favorate part out of the whole poem is
    "my love for you is strong
    but only you said it was wrong "
    i dont know, it was just so real. i really liked this poem. good job.

  • 20 years ago

    by Tamara Talcott

    This was a very good poem and i know how you feel iv been left in the same kind of position