Comments : How could you

  • 20 years ago

    by Angel Sanctuary ©

    This was really good too.. I liked it.... I really liked the lines "feels like I'm the board and you just threw a dart" very creative.. Keep it up..

  • 20 years ago

    by The Plain Truth

    Like Angel, I was going to comment on the line you wrote. It was very unique and I liked it a lot. I hope things work out with you and your ex. The little thing you wrote at the happened to me...and finally I just moved on. Stay strong, girl.

    xxx Megan § xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Kay

    Hey, i really liked your poem and i kinda know what your going through. i really do understand. i dont know what i can say to help you but i will try.... its hard it really really is, but you have to get over him. guys are immature and childish and thry screw up alot. just be strong and prove to him that you dont need him that he needs you. women can survive with out guys but guys can not survive with out women. so just show him hes missing out and he just might come back. read some of my poems and see if there like what your going through and if they are email me and maybe we can talk about it and both of us can help each other. hope all goes well and god bless!
    Much love,

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristina

    thnx for all your comments! it means a lot and thnxfor all the advise!-kristina

  • 19 years ago

    by Hidden secret

    I just wanted to thank u on commenting on my poem, it means alot because i love to write. i love this peom u wrote also. i also have another name Brokenprincess if u wann cehck out those poems. thanks again

  • 19 years ago

    by ashley buzzard

    Omg!!!! i know exactly how you feel. those were my exact feelings when my ex broke up with me...but i guess theres just summin better for us???

  • 19 years ago

    by Erica Brown©

    I love it, Kristina. I love the part about the board and dart. But here:
    "nothing would be knew"
    Did you use the right new?
    Take Care

  • 19 years ago

    by Erica Brown©

    I love it, Kristina. I love the part about the board and dart. But here:
    "nothing would be knew"
    Did you use the right new?
    Take Care