My Suicidal Show

by Madison   Sep 26, 2004

Greetings ladies and gentleman
I hope you soon understand
The power of the object
That lies in my hand

A nice shiny knife
Very special indeed
Now stand back and watch as
I magically bleed

The color of deep red
Dripping from my wrists to the floor
Audience in Aww
Screaming and wanting to see more

“If it’s more that you wish for
Then don’t dare close your eyes
For surely you wouldn’t want to miss
My next big surprise

Now for my next trick
All gather around and see
All the pain and sorrow
That’s locked inside of me

I rip out my heart
Black as Cole
“Now everyone this
Is what you call a dying soul’

So now that I’ve shown you my empty soul
I know the true reason you stayed for the show
Well I hope you all die in pain and misery
Because I know it’s the grand finally you wish to see

You want a Grand Finally
I’ll show you the best
So I can soon be peaceful and lay in rest

As you see in my hand
The object I will use last
Will end this show
With one huge BLAST

As I held the gun to my head
And said my last goodbyes
I look at the audience and
And in disbelief I sigh

“Goodbye and goodnight everyone
This was my last and finial show
Unfortunately you can’t reach me 6 feet below...

--- BANG ---

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  • 19 years ago

    by Noelle k.

    holy shyt batman! your such a great writter. I LOVE IT. ALONG WITH ALL YOUR WORK. awesome job. 5


  • 19 years ago

    by blackrose1011

    thats amazenly sad, your pain is so real in this poem, most people who write about their own death and killing themselfs dont show the pain they feel, they just end it. you did an awesone job of letting your reader become you, and experence how you feel...

  • 19 years ago

    by Bleeding_Red_Fallen_Angel

    Wow, I really liked it. Very creative. Excellent work. <3333

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    awesome poem, very imagitive and creative, great job i love it

  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle Riddle

    wow, that was a really good poem, keep it up Much love