I've been hurt farther than hurt,
My heart cracks more and more,
You are my dreams, and thoughts,
Every second I'm alive,
My body aches when we don't kiss, hug, and say i love you,
I have lost the girl of my dreams,
Threw my foolish heart,
I will change my entire life around,
The way i sleep,
The way i laugh,
The way i drive,
Just to be with you,
I prayed to god in my bed last night,
To help me threw this hurt,
To have you come back to me,
To make my heart smile,
Once again,
I knew what my heart wanted,
Was to be with you the rest of my life,
I knew what my heart said,
That was i love you till i die,
I don't want a whiskey lullaby,
I don't want my life to end with a click...click...pull,
I want you in my arms some years later,
With someone else singing whiskey lullaby,
Knowing we did this together,
Not death because of each other,
I want you in my arms,
dancing to our song,
And hearing click...click...pull,
knowing we died in each others arms,
This is not the life i prayed for,
The life of loneliness and sadness,
I want happiness back in my arms,
My life is one half of what it used to be,
I want you in my life,
Even if it meens starting us all over again.