I Will Remain Strong

by So-Not-Normal   Sep 27, 2004

The nights are getting darker,
Time keeps going by,
I can't stop thinking of the days before,
The things that happened are stuck in my mind,
The past is haunting me,
I just want the ghosts to leave,
The stuff they did to me was not right,
They tried to break my spirit,
They tried to take my happiness,
But i will not break,
My walls will not go up,
I will remain strong,
Because i don't need them,
I am fine on my own,
I will continue to live my life,


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sinister Soire

    thats a nice poem. its good that you have learned to get above it all. keep up that, and the good writing. you have talent and inspiration.

  • 20 years ago

    by Armed-Alcoholic

    I hope you do remain strong. Great poem. take care

  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Great poem love...very inspirational...loved it...hope you continue writing...xxxxxx


    ps. Thanks for your comments xxx