Still Friends??

by Kidpoetry   Sep 27, 2004

I am still in shock,
from its sudden end.
We are now both of broken hearts,
and to each other we can not mend.

She is just not happy,
she doesn't yet know why.
She's made it clear i can not change this,
no matter how hard i try.

She still loves me and adores me,
but right now she needs a break.
She is unclear of it entitlements,
or how long she may take.

I don't want this to be over,
yet i want her to be happy.
If it requires that we just be friends,
then i will for her, let that be.

I do have one small regret,
I did not enough appreciate,
the last few nights i spent with her,
and now its too little too late.

Although i am saddened,
by her decision that night.
I'll support her always,
Against her wishes i will not fight.

She said its not because of me,
and I'm not going to argue.
But i don't want her to think she's horrible,
because her friends and i KNOW that's not true.

She treated me better than i deserved,
and for that, I'll always b glad.
I will cherish for eternity,
all the good times we had.

It was the best 3 weeks,
I've had all my life!
I wouldn't take back one moment,
even if it could save a lifetime of strife.

I will gladly stay for her,
and remain always a loyal friend.
Because i refuse to leave her,
I will be here until the end!!


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  • 20 years ago

    by kid

    uhh unlike some of the girls on here,...i dont know you...and plead for forgiveness i dont because you seem to be a superly awesome kid.or person.once again i loved this poem and will continue to love the poems you write because i know each and every one will be good. im not sorry your goin through whatever but i am sorry that im not sorry. the reason being..sadness,depression, us the influence to make the poems we make and since you are sad,upset, could create what id like to call a masterpiece..awesome job.keep rockin the poems-

  • 20 years ago

    by Michelle

    Hey Sean..have read this before now ..quite a while back actually just forgot to comment..very touching and I'm sorry for whatever you're going through, that it didnt work out...I reallyhope you can find someone soon who will be true to you,e tc...just ARE young yet, and the feelings you are having are real but please! dont rush have time to find the love of your life..and I KNOW you dont want to wait til you're 32 like me and 34! (hahahoney you're older) like Craig but regardless of when it happens it will all be worth the wait then. Even if you have to meet someone 4000 miles away or whatever! has to happen it will all have been worth it in the end...take it from me. :) take care of yourself..Luv Michelle ..and Craig too!

  • 20 years ago

    by Serena

    OMG! That is exactly what I'm going through...same time frame of 3 weeks and everything! Creepy! That really touched me and I loved it! Good Job!

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