God Needed Another Angel

by Ann Stareyes   Sep 28, 2004

My Letter To You Mom: I know it's been so long, Since you had to go away, God prepared you a mansion, And wanted you to stay.** He needed another Angel, That had a heart just like yours, That knew how to love, And help open Heavens door.** I Know you love it there, I can feel it in my heart, God knew who he wanted, Right from the start.** I try not to question, Why God took you away, When there were 6 kids, And we needed you to stay.** We thought we would still have you, Until you were old and gray, But God wanted to take you, At a younger age (58).** Mama, you always knew You and I had that special bond, When I lost you, I lost alot of me too.** As I sat by your bed, For those final days, I finally prayed to God, And begged him to please take you away.** I couldn't stand to see, The way you looked, And the pain that you were in. You kept hanging on, Not wanting to give in.** These final words, us kids had to say, "Mom, It's O.K. Just go on, You're tired, You desereve to rest." You couldn't talk to us, But you heard everything we had to say, You closed your eyes, And slowly drifted away.** God picked the best Angel that he could have found, We Loved you and would miss you, But now your journey was Heaven Bound.** Mama, One day we'll meet again, I'll have no more pain or shed no more tears, We'll rejoice in Heaven, And make up for all these lost years.**.....Dedicated to My MOM, Whom I Loved So Much, That now lives in my heart and I miss her so much.**Lately my days haven't been so good, Her birthday and holidays are the worst. But I needed to let some of my pain go. Always remember: you have only one Mom, always Love her and tell her, When she's gone, you've lost everything. Comment if you'd like, would love to hear what you think. I'm glad I found this site that has so many good people. God Bless, lol


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  • 20 years ago

    by deepworthlurv

    aww this was soo beatiful... aww i wish i could write something like that to my momma.. maybe i will for mothers day.. haha *thnx for the comment*

    <3 az

  • 20 years ago

    by Keith

    :( sad poem

  • 20 years ago

    by LittleMissReality

    Your poem was awesome! it was one of the best ive read! good job!

  • 20 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Thanks to all of you for your comments. I appreciate it so much. Sometimes in life we deal with things the best way we can, so therefore once and a while it does you good to let things out. And to you Alyssa, I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. I thought I couldn't do without mine too. But with God's strength and his goodness he will guide you and be my your side. My thoughts and prayers with be with you and your family. God Bless and Take Care to All. Thanks Again. lol

  • 20 years ago

    by Alyssa Aka: lyssa

    Hey i loved it so much i need to comment to u, my is dieing and i don't want her to go, i am only 15 1/2 and have a full life ahead of me, an di need her there by my side, she has lupus and she had a stroke two years ago on my b-day she has been sick since then, she has her good days but her bad days take over. I can't watch her when there is nothing i can't do, when i am just standing around going to school and doing my cross country and then hanging with friends, i could be next my mom with full support but u know how hard it is when u next ur mom and last thing u want is for here to die in ur arms, thats not going to happen to me, i won't let it, my mom tries to talk to me about what would happen if she died, she can't bring it up because i get pissed and so sad, some of my friends aren't close to their mothers, and when they see me and my mom they wish they had it, i don't want to be the gurl in years later saying i wish i even had a mom, because my dream my life and my soul and my moms creations. their is no way i can even write to u with out crying while tping but for sum reason the only person on earth that belongs to be heatlhy is my mom;.....i can't live in pain thinking tomorrow my mom won't open her eyes, i can stand that i could be at school while she is tons of pain at home and can't take the pain, so god takes her away, for heaven is an awsome place but not right now for my mom, i need to beable i can say good bye and hold her one more time justbefore she goes because my heart is breaking and this time it isn't over a guy.

    Sorry about ur lost, i don't know what would be w/o my mother. God bless you and take care,
