The girl with the infectious laugh
The first one to joke
The one that hands you a drink
Then cause you to splutter and choke
The one who always checks her looks
The one who helps you with yours
The girl you can count on to answer your plea
When your life has been blow off course
The girl you thought you knew so well
Struggling to make it work
Get her life back in order
Despite of broken friendships and jerks
She'll never ask you for your help
She knows everyone else's pain
She's bottling it all up inside
And it's driving her insane
That girl will stay cool on the surface
Yet reaching boiling point inside
It won't be long until she bursts
Until her secrets she can no longer hide
She'll never disturb you unless you ask
What sorts of problems there could be
That girl is unhappy, lonely and afraid
That girl is me.