Comments : A New and Better Best Friend

  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsey

    OH WOW!! that was mid shocking..I have so muc hto say!! Firstly i am so soryr you lost a best friend i know how much it would hurt...But i have just met my best friend a year ago..and everything you said was exactly what we went through..Me not feeling jealous of other friends but i just wanted to talk about it and she never did..This seemed like what happened with us and its something I'd hope you never to go through..ABout the last line...Eirisa you know you my girl but yes she may have found a new one but NEVER will that person find a better one..She seriously doesnt know what shes missing!! How could she let a friendship with you slip away!! I just wanted to tell that no one could possibly replace you no matter how many times your mind tells you...This is getting quite long but this was just awsome ...Makes me so proud if you!!! I love ya tons!!!
    Ya baby sis, ~Chelsey~

  • 20 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    SARAH: I know you and i are going thru the same thing its great to compare each others poems and talk about the way we feel - thanks for your support!
    CHELSEY: Thanks baby sis, the baby sis i wish i had! I love you hun and your comments mean the world to me!
    CHRIS: Im doing okay - its hard and it hurts but im a soldier! Thanks for your kind words
    MEENA: Thanks again girl!


  • 20 years ago

    by Heather Clark

    wow i just recently moved and i worry that someone is there to to the place of me with my bestfriend, the feeling sux more thatn anything i've evr felt, but i will fight till i die, she is MY best friend, until she says we are no longer. anyways be strong and share you feelings don't give up in times of despair because down the road it might be your biggest mistake

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather Clark

    ok i 4 got some stuff... anything worht having is worth fighting for...your friendship is never really strong or true until you face a huge fight, after that everything seems to fall into place