Comments : Gain a True Love - Loose a Best Friend

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin J

    That's sux eirisa..not the write, the situation. I've never had that happen to me personally, but I seen it happen to friends. All Friendships change to some degree over time. Life molds and reshapes and tests it constantly, but for it end like that has to hurt. I hope that what you feel is completely broken is only just bent a lil;)

    Nice write!


  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsey

    OH my gosh that was terrific!! you blow me away with each write you have!!! Like i said before i am so sorry for you to loose someone like that..I cant imagine the pain your going through! But she dont no what she lost because to have someone write poems for her and someone who always and will always love them kinda sucks for her in this cant find friends like that these days and to have a friend like you is great! You would think she would except the fact you have a man and you would think she'd be happy for you...But i think you should give up ..if you care so much about this person keep trying no matter how hard it gets..but then again if she pushes you away then its her loss not yours sunshine!! But get better i hope everything works out for the best...awsome peice like any other!! Gave ya a five,,,Much love to ya! ~Chelsey~

  • 20 years ago

    by Janice Brown~©~

    I can relate totally. When i first started going out with my boyf me and mybest friend sorta drifted apart but now we are totally back together YAY!!
    great poem.
    luv ya