Wisdom & Philosophy

by Robert   Sep 28, 2004

How do you view the world as a whole,
and what is you ending goal.
What is it you wish to achieve ,
is it to live to your fullest ambitions or grieve?
Grieve for all the wrong that has ever been put on you,
or just walk away and be the best at what you do is true.
Some say live life to it’s fullest and never look back,
others say put a wall up and never let anyone have it’s slack.
I say life is what we want it to be,
and this from a man that is me.
I am no scholar or learned man,
but I do read and set myself up for a master plan.
Most believe in Faith and God They trust,
but for me the hunger of learning is my lasting lust.
A philosophy they say is how you view life,
well I feel its how you cope with strife.
We all have good points and bad,
but the way I sort through my woes is like any other lad.
I do so with all the experiences I gathered as I went along,
those trials and tribulations that has made me strong.
So the next time you talk of what you want to do with your life tale,
look at your own expenses and your wisdom will never fail.

Written By
Robert Lee Niswander
Copyright 2004

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  • 16 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    I liked the meaning behind this. It's very inspirational. I also, however, didn't really like the structure of the poem. You seemed to be a little muddled up here and there. Sometimes the rhyming seemed forced - remember you don't always have to rhyme. That's something I learned and since then I've been rhyming less and less, and it's wonderful to see how poetry can vary when you aren't being so strict with it.

    The overall message was powerful and enlightening. Nicely done.

  • 16 years ago

    by StonedGooberz

    I give you this you have a masterful way of viewing your life.-
    raindrops 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Well i think the second line you wrote

    "and what is you ending goal"

    i think you meant to write

    "and what is your ending goal"

    i liked this line alot:

    "I say life is what we want it to be"

    the flow was okay, it was a bit bumpy, but the whole idea was good...
    it was mixed up with all the ideas, but i think thats what you meant when u named it "wisdom and philosophy"

    but i think you should arange the ideas, and like i said, try writting in stanza;s it wud make it easier to read, and the stucture would look better...

    overall it was good
    keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by the simple girl

    Most people, when they write poetry about philosophy and life, they often just complain about what other people do. But you, you write about choices, and how we can choose to complain, or we can choose to do something about it, and learn from it. I really like this, it makes you think.


  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Another great storyline, well thought out original piece of work, fantastic xxx alex xxx