Falling Angel

by BaybeBlew   Sep 30, 2004

A black and blue angel
With snowy white wings
Her heart is cracked
In sorrow she sings

A god given face
With long scarlet locks
She's tumbled inside
The devils toy box

Her wrists drip fire
And so do her eyes
She reaches towards
The pitch black skies

Screaming for vengeance
Whispering for hope
She climbs for salvation
Up an infernal slope

Fighting for life
Gasping for breath
Refusing the devil
As he offers her death

She reaches the top
Thinking she'll win
She gasps in freight
As he pulls her back in

She tumbles down the slope
And into his hand
She tries to climb again
But sinks in the sand

She closes her eyes
And prays for support
She thinks she's alone
Inside the devils fort

A dove swoops low
And carries her high
Out of his inferno
And up to the sky

All she had to do
Was ask for a hand
And someone would come
To take her from the sand

It is kind of rough yet.
Based on the abuse cycle


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    i think this is an awesome poem! creative, keep it up :) and i know i forgot to change the spelling thing in the poem, i forgot about that part lol. and thanks for saying you didn't do that 1 vote because i did believe it was you, since it was the most negitive comment it had. PLP

    ~lil slam~

  • 20 years ago

    by unprotected lover

    nice poem it give off great emotion great meaning nice connecting with the reader

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Wow this is good, I have been going into peoples names and reading their poems. This is the first one of yours I read I am really blown away. It's really good!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by xCrImSoNxTeArSx

    I love this poem! It's so deep and true to the cycle of abuse. Great work, keep it up!

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    awww, very good poem! i love it!