The villainy of evil crunch
Iron fisted heart douched with blackness of hell
Ambush the human race
Speaking all wicked things to the face
But peace.
Defiling all of godly gift
Behaving as though hell isn?t real
People die, waste away in real pain
The skeleton called man,
Adorned with flesh
To hide, the heinous and the ugly.
The alchemy of theatre
Grocery sells it. Bombard it around
Like we see garbage in the third World
Nothing like it in the heat of its reign
But, the good in it is; the short time-
Good comes, the brief reign of peace
Supercedes the excellent show of night
Overcome the loud screams of shadow.
The dirge effluvial with the murky grin
Of faces destitute of any ease
Desperate to quit this side
A new chapter that this open wound
Called heart write ?vain, empty
Defiance and Holy, twin glories
Of hell and heaven
Just like no other, just this wonder
Excellent in the say, excellent to gaze.