Bright, simmering piercing with light
Against the bride adorned in black
Holding censers, incense and caldrons
Raised feathered arms, glowing faces
To the one they love so much
The thrice Holy God, the I AM
A thousand names can?t describe
A thousand tongues enough can?t praise.
The one that looked like the son of man
Calmly, evasive, lowly, fierce
With an eye penetrating the roots of evil
Faint smile across the lips so tender
Glowing robe, astute personality
Mid air in glory, majestic in power
Ruling all of the elemental and metaphysical
Reigning on all that is low
In the cosmic realm
Now he brings peace, now roaring; now reigning
The duet of angels and of the son
Rising in accentual rhapsody
The crescendo and minuet a vistas to behold
How music and opera unspoken, blend
Majestic, kingly- duet never heard, never seen
Of mortals, of temporality, of living and death
Giving credence to the one and only I AM
Allegiance, adoration, honor, praise and all
This that mortals understand
This that the cosmos know
What peace, what heaven on earth is it?
The anti to all blackness, darkness and death
A complete opposite of evil
Radiant and beautiful
The God of life and of health
Fighting as mortal, to be known, understood, welcomed
Crisp was the silence as though it was night
Glorious the vantage we are viewed
To think of us so upright, deserving, ransomed
Stands amazing as the one crowned
So full, so real, so adorable, and so alive
This unknown to the seers, prophets and teachers
Availing to only the babes and suckling