by Mustardhart   Sep 30, 2004

This Poem turned out to be so long, and could not be accomodated in here, so decided to make it in two parts, here is Part 1. Would love your comments and rating.

You were suppose to come comely,
To be welcomed by a thousand throng.
You were to come in such simple way,
Not earlier than now, and see what happens?
Little angels like you are always innocent,
Innocent of ways you are not responsible for.

I weep, I weep now. And I mourn for thee.
If you were around now, I would have carried you,
Would have told you 'I Love you,'
Would have beamed with a smile, caressed you, tickled you,
Given you a big daddy hug, would have sang a tune or two,
You must have inspired.

You would have been cherished.
The path of life you would have learned from us.
And put into your mind the sacred truths we have known.
Taken you to the cistern, there take a plunge.
Would have taken you to the feast of the Master.
There leave you to the choice delicacies.

I would have carried you high, high, so high like no other.
Your little cries would have created a bond,
Your sly smile would have told of God's wonderful gift in you.
Your pains would have dimmed the sun's rays.
This cold would have been a joy, at least gazing your lovely face.
To just look at you and be overcome with inner joy.

Who would you have looked like most?
How would your first step been?
What would have been your first earthly sound and word?
Which color would have been your best fit?
What heart would you have carried through your pilgrim here?
Would you have been an extrovert or introvert-ish?

I sit back and care about all these.
And my heart is deeply broken,
Because, I hadn?t the courage to let you be.
And frenetic now, but, was in control of the decisions then.
How sickening, how callous, how cold, how evil?
Hard to believe it was I and it is true.

Was I under some spell?
Was I trying that hard to get even, with life?
Was my heart lacking in moral judgment?
Was I even drugged to know the end of wickedness is hell?
Was I having any good at all in the first place?
I weep, I weep...I weep for you now.

I would have taught you some things.
Some little things mama taught me.
I would have told you of a love I find so real,
Of a heaven I played with, and of hell I joked about.
Of the need to embrace truth like your mother's breast.
To cling to sound-mind like life itself.

I would have told you of life's bitter journey.
Of it?s poignant realities and victories for keeping on.
I would have told you of heaven's greatest desire.
And your place in that commission and mission.
Would have partnered with you in the struggle to finish the line.
Raising you with all that would have proved difficult though.

I would have told you to love life and life would love you back.
Would have told you of the stories of ancient kings who did so.
Would have told you of standing tall in the face of opposition,
Of sins forgiven and joy through the shed blood.
Of that corner stone, which is become of a rock of stumbling
Of mercy, grace, peace and joy that only he gives.


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