Everynite I think of what could be
And what should be..
I silently start to cry thinking..
Just thinking of all the good times..
All these memories overwhelm my
heart so quickly
Only tears can express my pain
As my heart with ever beat, aches
more and more, until the pain is
too much to bare..
I remember every single smile
that adorned your once lively face..
Now it is replace with no expression
at all
Gone without a trace..
Still after how much you've changed
from what I once called my best friend
I still think of what could have been
and what should now be..
I think of the forever we promise
each other, so long ago
I still remember the promise, never
did I forget, even for a second
My tears are the only thing that
can begin to express my pain,
and how much I want to see
the old you again
How much I miss the memories
of all of the pillow fights, the
late night talks, and how I
could tell you anything, no matter
how stupid it would sound..
I miss you, I miss the one who
took my heart
Everynite, I think of what could
have been..
And what should now be..
I cry silently as I see my forever..
...Say goodbye..