They Just Fade Away

by Sean Allen   Oct 4, 2004

A hollowed out man,
a used up hulk,
has a shared trait
will all his peers;
they are nothing now,
nothing but
the sum of all their fears.

A tired old man,
eyes frightfully glazed,
looks out from under the
hat he holds so dear.
He owns nothing else now,
nothing except
the sum of all his fears.

Fighting for God,
for hatred, for love,
for me, for truth, for life,
for all those yesteryears.
No one is left now,
all that is left is
the sum of all their fears.

Gather yourself
a soldier, a king,
and have them take a seat.
Gather a captain,
a pilot, a priest,
and bid them all to speak.
No words will ever be spoken,
not a laugh, nor cry, nor cheer.
Not a single earthly sound will be spoken;
the only thing you will ever hear
is the deafening silence we all now know is
the sum of all their fears.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie


    Loved the 3rd stanza. Another really great poem! I don't know what else to say really, I really liked it. Keep it up. 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Megann Lee

    Another well written poem. I thought the flow was good, adn you didn't lose me. I loved the third stanza though, it hust stood out the most to my eyes.

  • 19 years ago

    by midnight♥lullibys

    I loved it i liked they flow and it was very deep ....5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by shawn hoskins

    It was very good there's nothing i could see wrong with it,just wish i could find out how to put my poems in a format like that,and thanks for your comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Dorotea©

    Once again, you've proven to me that you can write about anything and everything. Now that is one of the traits I really look for in a fellow poet and that I really admire. It shows that the writer is mature and willing to research any topic at hand, and then write a poem based on that. Awesome.