Comments : Gods Lost Angel

  • 19 years ago

    by ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи

    wow that is truly an amazing poem, and for your first especially. it was really beautiful, sad too, i really like it. it was intersesting cause i was trying to figure out while reading it who you were writing about, i like how you waited til the end to tell. nice work >5/5<

  • 19 years ago

    by christina

    wow that was amazin poem.....
    im sorry abt the loss
    but she will always be with u .. in ur heart (¯`v´¯)
    always smile

  • 19 years ago

    by Kia

    that's an awesome poem... really really good... so sad i recently lost my grandaddy i wrote a couple poems about him (not very good) the newest one ("searching) my mom wants to put in the paper on his one year aniversary... awesome poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Jenn

    hey love your poem it is another good one! check out my poem called (silent girl)
    xoxox BJ

  • 19 years ago

    by undying blusher

    I am sorry for your loss...that must have been extremely hard the way you wrote about her....truly touching poem....shows how people turn to different things in reaction from a loved-one's death....and also the remorse felt....lovely job with the repetition and everything....


  • 19 years ago

    by littleshadowgirl

    i love you poems never stop i can feel the pain and the sorrow i wish i could write like you but i know i never will

  • 18 years ago

    by MadelineJayde

    That is such an amazing p0em and u sho0d be very pr0ud 0f urself! its s0 deep and meaningful and im sure ur grandm0ther is in heaven watching 0ver u and very pr0ud 0f u. such a beautiful p0em, y0u're a talented writer, keep up the great w0rk!
    i kn0w what its like l0sing sum1 u l0ve as i l0st 6 0f my friends in february this year (i hav 3 p0ems written ab0ut it, take a lo0k if u like.. Forever y0ung ;x is my fav0urite..)
    i h0pe ur d0ing 0kay, ill be here if u ever need sum1 2 talk 2 ;]
    l0ts 0f l0ve, maddy x0ox0ox

  • 16 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    That was so well done. There was so much deep emotion. Keep up the amazing work.

  • 16 years ago

    by jennifer chalifour

    Hey i lost my grammy two years ago and this made me cry so much because i miss her so and now it fells like the family is always fighting and all i want to do is bring her back to us love lots jenni xxoo

  • 16 years ago

    by Inside the Liar

    Okay, before I say anything else, I found a grammar mistake. Third stanza up from the ending of the poem, fourth line. It says "fight over antique dish's" where it should say "fight over antique dishes."
    That being said, I thought it was a pretty good poem. There were parts of it where I felt that the rhymes were forced, and it just didn't feel right. I liked the flow of it. Other than a few minor things, I thought it was wonderful. 4/5

  • 15 years ago

    by silvertung69

    I have tried to write one about my mom but have not been able to. nice job