Comments : Did you really Change?

  • 20 years ago

    by TAinted vįŕťues

    Ya i know wat u feel....i cant stop lovin this gal though she is like the devil...but then like some smart guy said "love's blind"

  • 20 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    Another heartfelt poem beautifully written...i can't critisize on this one also...FIVE all the way...take care and keep smiling..

  • 20 years ago

    by Felicia Tursi

    Dawn, your poems are so GREAT!

  • 20 years ago

    by Casey

    I like it, it's really just flat out truthfulness. You asked for criticism though, so all I have to say is that it has an odd flow to it. but, coming from me thats like calling the kettle black. keep writing and I hope you can get over this kid, i know how it is and its really hard.


  • 20 years ago

    by Felicia Tursi

    yes it is and my bf yes

  • 9 years ago

    by Joey Matthews

    This is a very warm and heartfelt poem, it is written very well but I notice a few things which could do with cleaning up - I feel like the grinch for mentioning this but honestly, it's nothing major.

    For example the opening line
    My Heart broke(n) - or My heart is broken (I think moving the n works out better).

    The only reason I mention this is because we do it but I wanted to try and be a little constructive. I think you have a great talent and I love your style of writing.

    Keep 'em coming!