
by Ami   Oct 8, 2004

I'm so all-American
I fit into a perfect plastic mold
I know that anything and everything
exists solely to be sold

I don't need to be a global citizen
the world outside of me is such a bore
But if it can make me some money
I just keep taking more and more

The colours I fly may be primary
but the only one I really care about is green
I just don't understand why no one can see I'm right
and why they keep insisting that I'm mean

I may try to conquer the globe
and strip your nation's heritage away
But let's be honest here, it's not American
so why the hell does it matter anyway?

I know that Jesus was an American
what else could perfection be?
God and I are clearly one and the same,
why is that so hard for you to see?

You think your soul is safe,
but that is just the biggest lie
Heaven's architect resides on my soil
so only I can be safe if I ever die

How could you possibly not love me
when everything I do is right
My country is obviously the greatest
so why should I be even remotely polite?

I am so quintessentially perfect
while you are nothing but an "other"
How on earth can you expect the same hospitality
that I afford my white American brother?

The world is my dumping ground
and that is as it should be
Why should I be expected to clean up my crap
when your country stands there so conveniently?

I hear over and over again
how your culture is not yet dead
But trust me, I will not ever rest
until your people's blood stains the ground red

I am so very American
I stand for everything that's good
And I *will* continue to push my "culture"
until that is universally understood


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    Your poem is good, I don't agree with your opinions, but that is what opinions are :) I like alot of your work, and I do take some of it offensively but hey, that's what poetry is all about, nicely done!

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    really good poem, but not all Americans are white...I happen to be Peutro Rican and American and trust me I have my own mixed culture that people around me are interesting in and love. I think your poem is good, but kind of offensive.

  • 20 years ago

    by Lexi Lou

    awesome poem! i loved it! keep in touch!
    lexi lou

  • 20 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    very patriotic poem...Good write...take care...FIVE>>>

  • 20 years ago

    by beaver

    great poem, well done.