Century Man

by Robert   Oct 9, 2004

A century is a long time to be alive,
especially when others die, I survive.
What gives me the will to go on when I see my loved ones fall by my side,
what cloaks me from death’s hand which I hide.
I have seen the rise of two men, evil to the core and born without remorse,
that have casted this world in an untimely deathly course.
I have watched people scream for pain hoping it would all end,
calling out to suffering, hoping death would be their last comforting friend.
Blood spilled by thousands to quench the thirst of the damned and hated,
bringing their victims to their knees where they are marked then slated.
A toe tag only to mark the souls lost in the hunger of rage,
set afire by the thousands on a bloody stage.
I have seen this all and I have seen the good too,
a soft glance at life and here’s what we can hold true.
By race we are of the shades of the rainbow that shines above,
and past the skin we all yearn and have a need for love.
I have known this and it is true like it was so long ago,
past our vanity lies a true friend without an ego.
Past the hurt and pain we all convict ourselves to do,
runs a water of freedom flows out of me and you.
Look past the eyes of others and see into the heart,
for there is little in this body that sets us apart.
Give to those that have none and expect nothing in return,
and a truer happiness I am sure you will learn.
I have been born when you were not even thought of,
for my brothers and sisters, life is about one thing, love.
A century I have walked this earth like you have lived a life,
and I have been beaten down and loved and even felt strife.
I am he that walks with no name shape or form to tell,
for I have denied a heaven and been kicked out of hell.
I have no God or idol to live or pray too,
for I am just a voyager on a mission just like you.

Written By
Robert Lee Niswander
Copyright 2005


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  • 16 years ago

    by noha

    Waw, again you have special tallent ,nice choice of words i real enjoy reading, keep write 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by StonedGooberz

    I have to say your poem can become somewhat inspirational i loved this piece from the way it flowed to the meaning behind it all, wonderfully written-
    raindrops 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    The last line in this poem really made the read worth it. It was like a direct address to your reader xxxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautifully Nothing

    WOW O_O that is like all i can say (a good wow) you are such a talented writer!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    this is a great poem, i loved it. i loved how you used the lines and comparison, the symblosim was beautiful. i absolutly love how you wrote the stances, its a beautiful poem, keep writing